Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Bye Angry

I am writing this article to share, how I am looking at the angry situations.

Before going to bed when I started thinking about the topic I like to pen down, nothing comes into my mind. Time passes… minutes turned into hours… still nothing comes to my mind… I slept all the way…

Next day morning started  to office… driving my bike all along the way to office… stuck in the heavy traffic due to infrastructure works in progress, school kids were rushing to their schools, Garbage trucks were busy in their works… Few people were standing all along the road… Few were showing their multi-tasking skills by driving & ofcourse, as you guessed, talking on Mobile phones… Few shops started getting busy… Traffic polices were missing in few places… Few Vehicles in wrong directions… Few were in hurry to violate the signals…

I am also one among them reached the office safely…

You may think that why I am talking something (city traffic) other than the blog topic :)

Yes here I like to relate this…

All along I have reached my office somehow I can manage my cool…

Actually from past 2 months I have started practicing not to lose my cool in any situations…

Angry behavior is nowhere useful to us in any means, then practicing the same is not wise.

Is it such an easy task to keep our cool all the times? Yes possible if we start practicing the same.

My Mantras to keep my cool,

  • Saying this to myself “All is well”, thanks to the film 3idiots.
  • Basic reason to get angry, is finding the fault in opponent’s nature/work. I have started finding and correct my mistakes in all the happenings around me.
  • I have started practicing by being happy with the present with what I am and what I have.
  • Inline to the point.3 I have started believing whatever is happening to me is good for me and to others as well.
  • Winning the hearts is effective than winning the person, this makes me not to do the running race with anyone in the life. After all whatever money I have in my pocket while I die is the money I have earned in excess :)
  • Respecting others is another important aspect to keep our cool. Always there is something to learn from others, even if it is nothing we can learn something which is not to do.
  • Avoid being in the mood of Tit for Tat. Almighty will give the chance to everyone to go for the top of the circle; rest no other go – to the bottom of the circle.
  • Helping others is the best thing to enhance our calm nature 
  • Being calm in the situations, like avoid gossiping, unwanted discussions, comments.
Thanks All.


  1. How about 'Katti pudi vaithiyam' to consol an angry girl & 'Laughing theraphy' when our superior is testing our patience :P

  2. Nice article 'Sir JJ'. Point 2 is exactly true... :)

  3. Very good article JJ. I would like to share the article on Anger which I was found while surfing related to it. Its quite nice one.
